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[PY]JSON to Python Objects



JSON is an abbreviation of Javascript Object N$$$$$$otation. JSON allows for exchanging data between client(web browser) and server(web server) and is widely used due to its simplicity and flexibility. The most popular JSON format is a collection of Key-Value Pair.

Python has a built-in JSON library, which allows you to use the JSON libray using “import json”. Converting the python formats to the JSON string is called JSON encoding and the opposite refer to JSON decoding.

2. JSON Encoding

In order to use JSON encoding, you first need to import json library and use json.dumps() method to change Python objects to JSON strings.

import json

user = {
    'id': 100,
    'name': 'Jason Mraz',
    'comments_history': [
       {'date': '2019-05-11', 'comment': 'hello'},
       {'date': '2019-04-13', 'comment': 'Good morning'},

# JSON encoding
jsonString = json.dumps(user)
print(type(jsonString))   # class str

# {"id": 100,
# "name": "Jason Mraz",
# "comments_history": [
#   {"date": "2019-05-11", "comment": "hello"},
#   {"date": "2019-04-13", "comment": "Good morning"}
# ]}

#<class 'str'>

3. JSON 디코딩

Just the same as we did Json encoding, you need to import json library first and use json.loads() method to convert a JSON string to a Python grammar.

import json

jsonString = '{"id": 100,
"name": "Jason Mraz",
  "comments_history": [
    {"date": "2019-05-11", "comment": "hello"},
    {"date": "2019-04-13", "comment": "Good morning"}

# JSON Decoding
dict = json.loads(jsonString)

# Print
for h in dict['comments_history']:
  print(h['date'], h['comment'])

 # Json Mraz
 # 2019-05-11 hello
 # 2019-04-13 Good morning

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